Getting your wisdom teeth can often be a painful experience for many patients. Thankfully, Magnolia Dental is the place to go for professional, reliable teeth extraction procedures. If you need a wisdom tooth extraction, call us today!
Wisdom teeth don’t make you wise. Sometimes, they just make your mouth hurt. Even if you haven’t seen your third set of molars peak above your gumline, know that they are still there. At Magnolia Dental, we take X-rays as a part of your regular dental checkups. These X-rays will allow us to predict when or if these teeth may become a problem.
A board-certified professional at Magnolia Dental will examine your X-rays and tell you when you might need to get your wisdom teeth removed. If you suddenly feel pain as your wisdom teeth erupt through the gumline, call us right away. We will see you as soon as possible!
You and your dentist will discuss each step of the dental extraction process before the procedure. Make sure you mention any prescription drug use, health issues, or other concerns that could impact your procedure. Also, make sure to get enough time off work for both the procedure and your recovery afterward.
Dental extractions are safe and straightforward. Your dentist cuts into your gums and removes the tooth. It takes about 45 minutes. This procedure may involve cutting into bone as well, but don’t worry. We offer your choice of oral sedation or laughing gas for this procedure to minimize your discomfort and help you relax.
You may have to bite down on gauze to stop any bleeding. Please keep it in place as long as you are told to do so. You might also need to wait before you drive home. Some anesthetics will keep you groggy after the procedure, so it’s best to be safe.
Your dentist may write a prescription for antibiotics and pain medication. This will prevent infection and reduce your pain and swelling. If you experience severe pain, swelling, or other issues following you should contact Magnolia Dental for follow-up treatment.
You may experience pain and swelling for up to three days following the procedure. Ice can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Avoid hard foods and exercise your mouth by slowly opening and closing it. Also, don’t forget to hydrate!
Smoking, drinking through straws, and harshly swishing any kind of liquid should be avoided as well. These things can loosen blood clots and cause unnecessary damage.
You don’t need to put up with pain from your wisdom teeth. It won’t make you any wiser. Have your wisdom teeth removed before they even become a problem! Call Magnolia Dental in San Luis Obispo to schedule a dental extraction today.